Our Services

Web Hosting & Support.

Fast, reliable and secure web hosting and dedicated support.

Web Hosting and Support.

Kapto’s services don’t just end when the project is complete. As well as building you a website that will suit your business’ needs, we also host your website and ensure you recieve the best care and attention when support is required. The objective is to ensure your customers have a seamless online experience, which we take pride in by addressing and executing all hosting requirements.

Here are a few things we focus on.

Start Up Support

Whether you are a start-up or an existing business looking to enhance your online presence, we have packages that will suit most types of businesses

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Dedicated Support

We believe communication is key. Our aim to work with our clients in a manner that best suits them whilst offering dedicated support when required

Creative Flexibility

Our clients have the choice of leaving the creative aspects of your solutions to us or can work with us towards an end product, whatever method works

We Care About Your Story

We appreciate that customers should understand, therefore building solutions that elevate your business is a standard we adhere to.

Tailored Packages

We work with various types of business which therefore requires us to tailor our packages based on the type of solution required by the client.

Premium End Product

We take great pride in our work, therefore it is standard procedure to ensure that the end product is outstanding.

Let’s Get Started

 Let’s Here Your Vision And Build This Thing Together!